About Us
mOTivated Kids is a private pay, out-of-network pediatric occupational therapy practice located in Collingswood, New Jersey.
Our primary goal is to empower kids to reach their full potential, reduce stress, and promote healthy family bonding.
The early years of a child’s life are vital in setting a child up for success in the years ahead. mOTivated Kids occupational therapy services helps families support children who demonstrate challenges in daily routines and activities such as:
play, school, self-care, bonding with family members or peers.
We identify underlying challenges, create a trusting and motivating environment, and incorporate strengths and interests to help children thrive.

Our Services
Serving children ages birth to 18 years old who may or may not have a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Behavioral Challenges, Motor Delays, Birth Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome.
mOTivated kids specializes in sensory processing, self-regulation, feeding challenges, executive functions, fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills.
Check out some common areas we address to help your child gain confidence, face challenges, complete daily routines, build positive relationships and achieve independence!
Sensory Processing
Always seeking movement
Difficulty sitting still
Challenges with attention
Avoiding movement
Frequent bumps and trips
Avoids certain textures in play
Very particular about clothing
Sensitive to loud or shared areas
Puts things in mouth
Difficulty with eye contact
Self Regulation
Behavioral challenges
Difficulty paying attention
Difficulty with transitions
Unable to manage emotions
Unable to adapt to change in routines or environment
Feeding Challenges
Picky Eater
Lacks variety in diet
Avoids certain textures, colors, or tastes
Overstuffs mouth
Gags at sight or smell of certain foods
Challenges with utensil use
Executive Functions
Challenges with:
Time management
Completing tasks in timely manner
Planning projects
Remembering homework assignments
Multistep directions​
Fine Motor
Challenges with:
Holding a crayon or pencil
Using scissors
Using eating utensils
Completing clothing fasteners
Opening food containers
Using both hands together
Dislikes coloring
Dislikes playing with manipulatives
Strong preference for gross motor play
Visual Motor & Visual Perception
Challenges with:
Catching a ball
Spatial concepts
Finding things in the environment
Organizing numbers for math problems

Get in Touch
mOTivated Kids specializes in sensory processing, self-regulation, feeding challenges, executive functions, fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills. We are a private pay, out-of-network pediatric occupational therapy practice located in Collingswood, New Jersey.
Book your FREE Consultation today!
Serving South Jersey & Greater Philadelphia Area
Haddon Heights
Haddon Township
Cherry Hill
Office Address
24 Lees Ave. Suite 3
Collingswood, NJ 08031